First Aid courses overview

Course Fees

£80.00 in Advance booking


1 Day



Age Requirements

18 Years


Multiple choice exam & Practical assessment


1 to 2 Weeks


Label 2 Awards

Qualified Tutor

Helps to achive qualification

Group Booking

Further discount on group booking

  • Course Overview

    The First Aid Training, also known as FAW, is an extensive level 3 training course which is part of obtaining the First Aid at Work Certificate. The course prepares you to provide treatment and handle emergency situations where an individual falls ill or injures themselves. As part of the training, you will also learn how to operate specialist equipment such as a defibrillator.

    The severity of many accidents in the workplace can be reduced by the appointment of a qualified nominee who is capable of taking charge if an injury or illness occurs. We believe everyone should learn basic First Aid techniques as they may come in handy at home, at work and beyond.

    The course is also an ideal introduction to First Aid for anyone who is a Door Supervision, Security Guard or in a managerial role.


    The First Aid At Work Certificate is valid for 3 years and is issued by your First Aid training provider. The course is in compliance with the Health & Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981.

    Health and Safety Regulations of 1981 outline that it is an employer's responsibility to ensure staff have access to "adequate" first aid treatment. Having Certified First Aiders can satisfy this criteria and make a workplace safer for everyone.

    First Aid at Work Course Content

    The Level 3 First Aid Training Course is 3-days long and prepares you to provide treatment in emergency situations.

    You will cover the following topics:

    First Aid in the Workplace
    Legal compliance
    Managing incidents
    Examining a casualty
    Conscious/unconscious casualties
    Treating a casualty
    Further emergency action
    General common illnesses
    Basic life support
    First aid kits/equipment
    Recording/reporting injuries

    First Aid at Work Course Assessments

    The First Aid at Work Training Course is assessed in 2 parts.

    1. Continuous assessment

    This is where your class trainer will observe your class participation to ensure your knowledge is at the required level.

    2. Written assessments

    Written assessments can vary for the FAW Course depending on your training provider. Typically, these exams are for each of the core unit areas and will be multiple choice. They can either fall at the end of the course, on the final day, or be spread out.

    You will be provided with all the support you require to be successful in your assessments. Get Licensed only works with the best training providers who maintain a very high level of quality. To give yourself the best chance, we recommend active attention and participation in your classes.